- by soheil
- Nuts / useful article
- November 18, 2022
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Berries, which have many medicinal and therapeutic properties, are among the trees that grow in a variety of climates, are resistant to cold and heat, and have many therapeutic and medicinal benefits. Their fruits ripen in the summer.
Morus tree
The Morus genus of flowering plants, which belongs to the Moraceae family, includes 10–16 species of deciduous trees, generally known as mulberries, that can be found both in the wild and in cultivation in many temperate parts of the world. It is a dicotyledonous plant with a lengthy lifespan of up to 200 years and more; it is a big, strong tree that grows to a height of at least 20 meters.
Berries is a long-lived, self-pollinating plant that is pollinated by wind and insects, and in order to grow, it requires irrigation, sunlight, pruning, fertilizer, and the right temperature.
Typically, the genus has three well-known species that are purportedly named after the fruit color. The white, red, and black mulberry has various cultivars and varieties. the berry fruit is very small and tiny with a length of 2 to 5 cm.
Although it originated in South Asia, the white mulberry is now found widely in Europe, Southern Africa, South America, and North America.
the mulberry fruit
One of the most widespread berry species, white berry is native to parts of China that grows to a height of 18 meters. It is very resistant to blackberries and one of the most widespread berry species.
The 2-3 cm long mulberry fruits are White, green, or light yellow describe immature fruits. The fruits of the majority of species have a sweet flavor when fully ripe and change color from pink to red, dark purple, or even black, as they ripen. When ripe, the white-fruited cultivar’s fruit turns white. This cultivar’s fruit is also sweet, but its flavor is much milder than that of the darker variety.
Both fresh and dried mulberries are consumed. They have been associated with lower cholesterol, blood sugar, and cancer risk and are a good source of iron, vitamin C, and several plant compounds.
Mulberries are great for building a healthy diet because they have a sweet, delicious flavor, are nutrient-rich, and may offer a number of health advantages.
Fördelar med mullbär
Vita bär har ett brett utbud av egenskaper. Vita bär har ett antal hälsofördelar, inklusive förmågan att förbättra matsmältningen, sänka kolesterolet, hjälpa till med viktminskning, öka cirkulationen, stärka benvävnaden och stärka immunförsvaret. Dessutom kan det hjälpa till att bromsa åldrandeprocessen, sänka blodtrycket, skydda ögonen och kanske till och med förbättra kroppens allmänna ämnesomsättning.
White berries have a wide range of properties. White berries have a number of health advantages, including the ability to enhance digestion, lower cholesterol, help with weight loss, increase circulation, strengthen bone tissues, and strengthen the immune system. Additionally, it might help slow down the aging process, lower blood pressure, safeguard the eyes, and perhaps even enhance the body’s general metabolism.
Nutrition Facts
White berries have a wide range of properties. White berries have a number of health advantages, including the ability to enhance digestion, lower cholesterol, help with weight loss, increase circulation, strengthen bone tissues, and strengthen the immune system. Additionally, it might help slow down the aging process, lower blood pressure, safeguard the eyes, and perhaps even enhance the body’s general metabolism.
Properties of white mulberries for the skin and hair
Antioxidants and vitamin C in white mulberries help to rejuvenate the skin by reducing wrinkles. White berries also have the ability to treat and get rid of dark spots on the face while also cleansing the skin with their antioxidants. Consuming white berry leaf oil can help treat dry and sensitive skin.
Another quality of white berries is their high iron and zinc content, which simultaneously strengthens hair follicles and promotes hair growth while preventing hair loss.
Properties of white mulberries for diabetes
The benefits of white berries for diabetes are among their most significant and well-known qualities. White berries have active components that prevent or delay the body from metabolizing sugar, thereby regulating blood sugar levels and reducing the symptoms of diabetes.
Blood sugar can be lowered to 27% by consuming one gram of white mulberry leaf powder three times per day for four weeks.
Properties of white mulberries to prevent heart attack
Eating white mulberries has been shown in studies to increase HDL levels while lowering total cholesterol levels. Every cell in your body contains cholesterol, an essential fatty molecule. However, a higher risk of heart disease is associated with blood cholesterol levels that are elevated. According to studies, mulberries and mulberry extracts can lower cholesterol levels and excess fat, which reduces your risk of coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes, among other things.
Properties of white mulberries to Reduce Cancer Risk
It has been demonstrated that more stress causes oxidative damage in cells and tissues, which is linked to a higher risk of developing cancer.
Mulberries have been used in traditional Chinese medicine as a cancer prevention strategy for hundreds of years.
Some scientists now think that there may be some truth to these rumored cancer-preventive effects.
Berries contain a number of antioxidants that may lower the risk of cancer, such as anthocyanins, ellagic acid, and resveratrol.
Berries may specifically guard against cancers of the mouth, esophagus, breast, and colon, according to studies.
Properties of white mulberries for treating anemia
a lack of iron is the most prevalent type of anemia, which happens when the body does not get enough iron from the foods it consumes. The best way to treat this condition is to increase your intake of foods high in iron. Because white berries are high in iron, they are regarded as an appropriate fruit for anemia patients. Drinking berry juice is advised by traditional Chinese medicine to enhance blood circulation and alleviate anemia-related symptoms like extreme fatigue, sluggishness, weakness, and dizziness.
Additional advantages of white mulberries:
Eating white berries may help to treat some health issues and lower the risk of developing them, but more research is needed to confirm this. These health issues include:
- sore throat
- asthma
- Colds
- Muscle and joint pain
- Sore throat
- asthma
- Colds
- Muscle and joint pain